Factor For An Accident - Delayed Salaries

Believe it or not ..... in fact delayed salaries is one of the factors that could cause an accident at work. When a person received pay delayed, morale and enthusiasm for work will drop dramatically. In addition, the attitude of anger and stress will occur and this may have adverse effect on an organization.

An employee will not be able to give full attention to the work because to think about the problem of delayed salaries.

Nearly 90 percent of foreign workers surveyed in Malaysia found that they could not fully concentrate on work carried out. Financial problems faced by them is also a factor that could cause an accident at work. As a result, they are always depressed by this problem.

It is understood that their employers are often delayed accept payments from main employers such as clients. This situation lead to the problem of employees who received pay late.

This delayed salaries also affect the image and performance of the organization. This is no doubt at all. Salaries delayed can cause employees strike activity and this can affect an organization's image. In addition, quality and production will be delayed.

This situation must be prevented so that the accident did not occur in the workplace caused by this problem. The management of an organization must pay their salaries every month without any delay. Delay in wages can cause an organization experiencing huge losses in the event of an accident.

Source : myEOSH.com

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