About My Safety and Health, I’ll use this time to introduce myself, MyOSH. I’ve worked in the Occupational Safety and Health Institute for more than 10 years, and it has always frustrated me that people find safety boring. A large majority of people believe safety is a pain in the neck (pardon the pun) and that it has to be done to avoid prosecution and injuries, usually in that order in the Malaysian Safety realms. However, in each of the organisations I’ve worked in, I’ve noticed an uncanny similarity: if they get OSH right, they are getting their business right too. It’s either a coincidence or safety is good for business, and I’ll go with the later.
I’ve also found that some people working in the safety field have boring personalities – they are super nerdy and they tend to get the reputation of being the ‘fun inspector’. They don’t seem to find safety and health interesting, they just view it as a compliance issue. Someone once said to me that safety will never be sexy, but I personally am fascinated by safety. I love the fact that to really get safety embedded into an organisation you need to inspire people, get into the hearts and minds of people working on the coal face and see what makes them tick. It is my aim to make safety sexy.
I am also a self confessed safety nerd. At home, if I see a family member lifting incorrectly, I can’t resist the urge to point and say so. I even offer to get my training spine out in the lounge room and conduct a manual handling training session for all the family, but alas nobody has taken me up on the offer yet and I usually get told to get back in my box. I don’t really think my family understand why I love safety so much.
The aim of My Safety and Health webs is to inspire people. Make people realise that yes, there is the legislative compliance part of workplace safety, but also that safety can be promoted and marketed, it can be fun, it can get people interested. Slapping people on the wrist only changes behaviour short term. Getting people motivated changes safety long term. That is my dream, goal, target, aspiration, whatever you want to call it. I hope My Safety and Health webs gives you the safety tools for safer tools out of the box, so to speak, and that it helps you to look at safety in a brighter light.
Together we can enhance Safety and Health Culture!