Safety Recognition Award Seeks Nominations

The International Dairy Foods Association is now accepting applications for the eighth annual Dairy Industry Safety Recognition Awards, a program that honors facilities for outstanding worker safety performance. Award winners will be notified this fall and featured in the “Dairy Field Reports” section of Dairy Foods magazine, which co-sponsors the safety awards program.

“We know that dairy companies and their employees are proud of their accomplishments and eager to participate in this award program, and we expect the number of entries to continue to climb,” said Clay Detlefsen, IDFA vice president of regulatory affairs. “We encourage all facilities to send in nominations for their processing and trucking operations so we can recognize their hard work, dedication and outstanding achievement.”

Applicants will be judged on specific data required by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) on the facility’s “Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses” report (OSHA Form 300A). Employers are required to post their OSHA 300A forms from February 1 through April 30 each year.

Processing facilities will be judged in four product categories: natural and processed cheese; dry, condensed and evaporated products; ice cream and frozen desserts; and fluid milk. Within each product category, there are awards for small, medium and large facilities that achieve the best overall safety performance rates based on the OSHA data.

Trucking operations will receive certificates for having no lost days and no cases involving job transfers or restrictions.

Entry forms are available online, and there is no fee to enter. All entries must be submitted to IDFA no later than March 31, 2012.

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