General Office Safety Rules

Most people would not think that an office is a particularly hazardous work environment—and compared to a foundry or mine, it is not. However, even an ordinary office contains many potential hazards. Following a few, simple safety rules can help to keep everyone safe and injury-free.
  • If you open it, close it
  • If you turn it on, turn it off
  • If you unlock it, lock it up
  • If you break it, fix it… If you can’t fix it, call in someone who can
  • If you borrow it, return it… Ask for permission to borrow first
  • If you lose it, replace it
  • If you make a mess, clean it up
  • If you move it, put it back
  • If you don’t know how to operate it, ask someone who knows how… If you can’t find that person, leave the equipment alone
  • If it doesn’t concern you, don’t mess with it

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