Quiz - Construction Safety

Simple assessment on Construction Safety. Do let us know your comment.

  1. What are the basic things you should wear on the work site?

  2. Hard hat, mask, boots and the best clothes you have.
    Hard hat, mask, sandals and the best clothes you have.
    Hard hat, mask, boots and casual clothes.
    Hard hat, mask, shoes and casual clothes.

  3. When doing roof work what should you take in consideration?

  4. That you are not alone, you are in a stable position and your capacity to perform the task.
    That you are alone, you are in a stable position and your capacity to perform the task.
    That you are not alone and the size of the roof.
    That you are alone, the size of the roof and your capacity to perform the task.

  5. While working at height what should you never do?

  6. Smoke a cigaret.
    Use the appropriate material.
    Drink coke.
    Climb on on furniture and carry heavy weights.

  7. What are the fundamentals when using toxic material?

  8. Wear gloves, wear mask, wear confortable clothes, read instructions, avoid moving fast and refrain from smoke or any source of fire.
    Smell it first to see if it is really toxic and call your colleagues to give an opinion about the smell.
    Call your supervisor so he can tell you the clothes to wear and smell it himself.

  9. What are the fundamentals when using material that you are not familiar to?

  10. Read the instructions, start working fast, are alone, dont make too much noise.
    Read the instructions, having enough time to get used to the material, that you take into consideration others around you and use a mask if it produces dust or a toxic smell.
    Read the instructions, call your colleagues to see the work that you are doing, use the mask if it produces dust or a toxic smell.

  11. When you lift heavy weights what should you make sure that you have, in the first place?

  12. Make it fast so it doesn't take too long, dont ask help.
    Ask for help and run.
    Ask for help, avoid running or making fast movements, share the weight with colleagues.

  13. OH NO!! Someone's been hurt! Do you...

  14. Run and get the First Aid Kit.
    Maintain a calm demeanor and walk carefully to inform the construction supervisor of the accident, making sure not to cause any additional accidents along the way by unnecessary haste.
    Smile suavely at the other volunteers and say, "Don't worry, I'm a doctor," and then try out that medical procedure you saw on Grey's Anatomy.

Thank you.

Safety first... because accidents last.

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