Quiz - Back Safety

Back Safety

  1. What types of equipment can be used to reduce the risks involved in heavy manual lifting?

  2. Carts
    Hand trucks (dollies)
    Track rollers
    All of the above

  3. Which of these should be done prior to lifting?

  4. Test the weight to determine if you can carry it by yourself, or if you will need help
    Make sure the load is at a level where it can be easily lifted (i.e. between waist and shoulder height).
    Tighten your stomach muscles to keep your back rigid
    All of the above

  5. What is the most at-risk part of your body when you are lifting?

  6. Your back
    Your knees
    Your feet
    Your arms

  7. What is NOT the best way to avoid injury while carrying?

  8. Keep the load close to you.
    Pull rather than push loads.
    Walk with your feet apart to maintain optimal balance.
    Minimize back contortion by turning your whole body at once.

  9. What is the best technique for lifting?

  10. Hinge at your hips and bend at your knees, doing most of the work with your legs, keeping your feet wide apart and your stomach muscles tense.
    It doesn't matter.
    Bend over to pick up the object as if you were doing a toe-touch; It's good for the hamstrings.

  11. True or false: Fatigue increases your risk of injury.

  12. TRUE

  13. True or false: Performing quick, sudden movements while lifting are more likely to cause injury than slower, deliberate movement.

  14. TRUE

  15. True or false: Frequent short breaks are better than infrequent long breaks; for example, a 10 second rest every 10 minutes is more helpful than a 60 second rest every 60 minutes.

  16. TRUE

  17. If you are carrying a load that is much too heavy for one person, what should you do?

  18. Get help from a co-worker.
    Split up the load into smaller, lighter loads.
    Find some other way to move the object (e.g. cart, dolly, etc.).
    All of the above.

  19. What posture is most natural to your back and should be maintained even when sitting?

  20. A flat, rigid vertical-spine position.
    A gentle inward curve, your lumbar more forward than your shoulders and hips.
    A slightly slouched position, your shoulders more forward than the rest of your spine.
    Whatever your current working position requires.

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