Manage occupational road risks to reduce accidents

SIBU: The number of commuting accidents reported yearly has increased with 22,040 cases in 2010, according to SOCSO.

As such, employers had a moral obligation to manage occupational road risks (ORR) by reviewing the road safety standards of their organisations, said National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye.

“Employers have to protect their employees and other road users by managing ORR to reduce business losses arising from road accidents,” he said in an emailed statement yesterday.
In 2000, the number of commuting accidents recorded was 19,620 cases, rising to 22,040 cases in 2010 – an increase of 12.33 per cent.

Lee said: “NIOSH is very concerned about road accidents and fatalities because many of the victims are from the workforce. The frequent reports of road accidents, fatalities and injuries are not only tragic to the families involved but a loss to the nation’s workforce.”

Traffic-related motor vehicle crashes were one of the leading causes of work-related injuries and deaths. Commuting accidents make up a significant percentage of industrial accidents reported to SOCSO yearly, he said.

Employers and employees must take cognizance of these statistics and address the issue to reduce the number of commuting accidents, he stressed.

Employers needed to provide training to employees to be competent drivers and riders besides developing and implementing safety procedures and programmes for the workplace to
reduce accidents, deaths and injuries, he added.

The 25th Ops Sikap was launched on Wednesday to remind motorists and motorcyclists to use roads safely during the long festive break to minimise the number of accidents and fatalities.

The campaign which ends Jan 30 was also to emphasise the importance of adopting the right attitude to prevent accidents, Lee said.

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