Travel Safety

The festive season are the most wonderful — and hurried — time of the year. With so many open-house and commitments and so little time to complete everything, the festive can get hectic. However, feeling rushed and harried should never affect your festive travel safety. Because being safe this festive season is the best gift you can give your family and friends, be sure to follow these free festive travel safety guidelines.

Be Prepared

The first step to having healthy, happy festive travel is to be prepared for any situation. From car wrecks to airplane mishaps, preparing for the worst can help you remain safe during your holiday travel. Let’s take a look at some preparations that may assist your safe travel:

  • If traveling by airplane, be sure to protect your necessary medications. Place all of your vacation medications in your carry on, in case your luggage fails to arrive at your final destination.
  • When traveling by car, plan your route, use a GPS, and carry a map. Therefore, if you are forced to detour from your planned route or GPS, your map can assist you in getting back on track.
  • Always be prepared for emergencies, especially during car travel. Equip your vehicle with tools, a spare tire, flares, and a first aid kit.
  • If you are traveling through an area subject to winter weather, be prepared for winter driving. Check the weather forecast before you begin to travel, pack chains if needed, and carry blankets, a shovel, kitty litter, and extra winter-weather clothing.

Be Careful

It is always important to be careful when you are traveling, but during the holidays it becomes more important. Since people are rushed, distracted, and possibly driving under the influence, it is more important to drive or travel with care. Let’s take a look at some tips for careful travel:

  • In traveling by plane, safeguard your luggage, purse, wallet, and other valuables. Never allow anyone you do not know watch your luggage, because this leaves you vulnerable to both theft and the planting of illegal or dangerous substances in your luggage.
  • If traveling by car, do not leave valuables in your car at any time. Keep luggage in your trunk, and do not make it obvious if you are carrying cash.
  • Drive as cautiously as possible. Many people are distracted during the festive and/or family travel. Also, people are more likely to drive in a rush during the holidays, so drive defensively.
  • Give yourself extra time to arrive at your destination. Airports and highways are more congested during the holidays, so giving yourself ample time will decrease your own rush and help you stay safe.

Festive season may be the most wonderful time of the year, but they do not have to be the most unsafe occasions. Be prepared and be careful to ensure you may spend your holidays as wonderfully and safely as possible.

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