OSHMS Manual 1.01 of 9 : Introduction to the Manual

OSHMS Manual

1.01 Introduction

This OSHMS Manual has been prepared for XYZ using – as far as practicable – the latest information on Malaysia OSH legislation, as well as drawing from both general and commercial enterprise data. The approach has been to use 'best practice' procedure at all times, so XYZ may aim to exceed the expectations of all stakeholders, including statutory bodies such as Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia.

The Manual has been prepared – again, as far as practicable – to make it accessible and useful to all persons likely to need reference to health, safety and welfare issues in their day-to-day, as well as long-term, employment and business operations on behalf of XYZ. The Manual also attempts in part to educate in, and provide an overview of, OSH in the workplace in general. Ideally, all parties will recognise the aim is to achieve a 'no injury' workplace, with the concurrent 'win/win' for all stakeholders - whether management, employees, guests, visitors, contractors and even neighbouring facilities.

The Manual is a ‘living’ document, since it must be monitored and reviewed regularly (a ‘programmed’ annual check at least) and occasionally irregularly (the result of changed circumstance – whether legislative change or operational change, or in the unfortunate event of an incident occurring that reveals an unforeseen risk that must be considered in the future).

Throughout the Manual there are references to forms and documents relating to various sections, which contain OSH programmes. These programmes will themselves include appendices, checklists and forms useful to the fulfillment of the particular programme.

A comprehensive encyclopaedia is included at the back of the Manual to provide a handy reference for defining terms used within the Manual. It also provides some educational asides to strengthen the reader's understanding of OSH.

All OSH documents (including the encyclopaedia) are open for comment, review and change. Such changes should be recorded as part of the firm’s document control system.

Please take the opportunity to participate in the health, safety and welfare of your workplace. It is your right and responsibility to yourself, your relatives and your friends - inside and outside the workplace - as well as the wider community who enjoy the privileges of our democratic, but fragile, state.

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