SMS Lingo Decoder for Parent

I pimp at the pix u sent i got more 4yeo but paw so sending l8r po.
If you saw that text pop up on your kid's phone, would you worry? We would too, so we created a cheat sheet to some of the most popular texting lingo -- from the “simple” to the “wow, that took some creative thinking.” Know this stuff and maybe you'll worry less -- and hey, maybe it could open the language barrier between you and your kid. Look, I’m not saying it will make you c%l, but at least you won’t be such a noob.

AYT -- Are You There?  (Yo, I need to tell you something ASAP.)
BBFN -- Bye Bye For Now
BFFL -- Best Friends For Life (Well, at least FN -- For Now)
BTDT -- Been There Done That (Puh-lease)
BTT -- Bored To Tears (This is a yawn fest.)
BTW -- By the Way (As in: BTW Tom is chckn U out._
404 -- Clueless
C%L -- Cool
CRBT -- Crying Really Big Tears
CWTSY -- Can’t Wait To See You (It’s been, like, two classes already!)
DHYB -- Don’t Hold Your Breath
DYK --  Did You Know  (As in: DYK Jen 6xed Bob?)
4YEO -- For Your Eyes Only
F2F -- Face To Face
gr8 -- Great
GBH&K -- Great Big Hug and Kiss
HHOK -- Ha Ha Only Kidding
hpn -- Happen
HRU -- How Are You?
143 -- I Love You (1 letter, 4 letters, 3 letters)
ICBW -- I Could Be Wrong (but, probably not)
IDK -- Don’t Know
Ih8u -- I Hate You
IKT -- I Know That or I Knew That
IMHO -- In My Humble Opinion (As in: U shld ask her out IMHO)
ITTTT -- It Takes Two To Tango
J/K -- Just Kidding
L8r -- later (or buh-bye)
LOL -- Laugh out loud (funny)
LMAO --Laugh My Ass Off (super funny)
LUL -- Love you Lots
Xd -- Laughing
MYOB -- Mind Your Own Business (Butt out!)
NMJC -- Not Much, Just Chillin
Noob -- newbie, newcomer, new player, novice
NoTY -- No Thank You
OvR8d -- Overated
OMG -- Oh My God
PAW -- Parents Are Watching
Pimp -- Pee In My Pants
Pix -- Photograghs
Pls -- Please
PO -- Peace Out
RB@U -- Right Back at you - ditto
ROTFL -- Rolling On The Floor  -That was so funny, I can’t control my fit of hysterics.
*vin -- Starving
SxC -- Sexy
Zzz -- Sleeping, bored
Dat -- That
Dis -- This
TMI -- Too Much Information
TTFN -- Ta Ta For Now
TWFW --Too Weird For Words
Upd8 -- Update (Gimme the scoop)
unPC -- Un-Politically Correct
W84M -- Wait For Me
WDYT -- What Do You Think?
WRU -- Where are you?
Y3 -- Yadda, yadda, yadda
YWIA -- You’re Welcome in Advance

How do you make sure your kid isn't getting -- or sending -- any inappropriate texts? Chime in below!

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